Advice from Ka'Shawna at Fantabulous 4th Grade....
1. Ask questions ~ being a new teacher can be very intimidating and down right scary, but don't think that it's okay to just figure it out on your own or let something go. Find a willing helper and ask, ask, and ask again (most seasoned teachers don't mind because we were once the rookie).
2. Discipline Management from day one is key in any classroom ~ Set the tone day one! You are responsible for your class, so grab the wheel and drive where you want to go. Sometimes even the smallest things need to be addressed so that they don't turn into bigger problems.
3. Take time for yourself! ( there's not much more to say on this topic)
4. Communicate with parents (parents can be very helpful and a great support system), but don't get too personal! Some parents will try and go there with you, but keep it professional.
5. Plan, try to stay organized, and keep organized electronic files of everything (stay away from keeping too much paper because it can get a little overwhelming)
6. Build relationships and have fun....with students, positive colleagues, administration because in my opinion it makes life easier.
Happy teachings and FANTABULOUS blessings!

Thanks for linking up!! These are all great pieces of advice!!