Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's My Blog-a-Versary.....or should I call it my blog birthday ?!?!?!


Wowzers!!!! It has been a year since I took a chance and decided to play with the big dogs girls in bloggy land and I have to say it was one of the best decisions I made in 2011!  I have been inspired beyond my expectations and have come in contact with some SUPER DE  FANTABULOUS teachers who make me strive to do better. When you know better you do better....RIGHT!!  In this case when you SEE better, you STRIVE to be better. Ha!! I LOVE it!!!
Despite the fact that I didn't get to keep up with blogging as much as I would have liked, I have plans on doing a much better job in 2012. Soooooooo.....root, root, root for the home team Fantabulous 4th Grade!! Whoop!! Whoop!! 
Boy I am all over the place (maybe because it's after MIDNIGHT)!!! 

Focus! Focus! Focus!

Okay........I am soooooooooo excited to mark this blog birthday/blog-a-versary as my very first give-a-way and I hope you guys enjoy these FANTABULOUS little prezis!!!!

I will give away a $20 Visa Gift Card to use however you like (TPT, Teacher Notebook, Amazon, ETSY....or anything else because it's a VISA GIFT CARD whoop!!)
AND a bundle set of chapter books that I KNOW your kiddos will LOVE!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Easy peasy!!! The winner will be selected  Thursday, August 2, 2012

Miracles and blessings,


  1. Ka'Shawna -

    Happy Blog-a-birth-versary!!!!
    I am always looking to stalk other 4th grade blog so I can steal their ideas for the betterment of my students!
    Keep sharing your ideas!!

    I link you to my blog (it's not really a blog) but here anyway -

    In my Google reader I stalk 588 different blogs (LOL) only during the summer I guess, don't know how I'll manage in Sept.

    Any way - babble babble babble AND I'm the first comment :/


  2. Thank you so much Peggy for participating and stopping by!! I will have to check out that list to do a little stalking myself!!!

    Ka'Shawna @ Fantabulous 4th Grade!

  3. Congrats on one year! Mine is this week, too. I also want to be a better blogger this year. Love your blog! =)

    Third Grade in the First State

  4. Oh my, I wish I could list about 30 blogs that I love love love. But I'm short on time, so here are a few. I tried to pick different grade levels!

    Marvelous Multiagers--
    Fun in 4B--
    Finding Joy in 6th--
    Ashleigh's Education Journey--
    The Teacher's Cauldron--

    They all have great ideas, and they write about themselves, too. I love when I can connect with a blogger through their writing!

    Third Grade in the First State

  5. Congratulations on your first year. I don't blog but I love reading them.

  6. 4th Grade Frolics is great!

  7. Happy Blogaversary/ Blog Birthday! I'd love it if you'd check out my newbie blog Bee Teaches.
    Bee :)

  8. Also! I loooovvveee the Clutter Free Classroom! She has so many useful tips and tricks. You probably know that one already so ... I also love Think, Wonder, & Teach :)

    1. anddd the links haha and

      This is like a game of "How many posts does it take Bee to enter the giveaway?"
      Apparently 3 :)

  9. Congrats! Happy Blog Birthday!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank you all so much for participating in my first give-a-way and for the great blog-a-versary wishes!!

    I now have some new fantabulous blogs to follow thanks to you guys.

    The winner will be announced shortly!!!
