Thursday, August 2, 2012

Drum roll please.....We have a Blog-a-Versary Winnah!!!


Heeeeeeeeyyyyy now we have a winnah (winner hehehe)!!!! I am so excited to announce the winner of my Blog-a-Versary give-a-way. These are some pretty fantabulous prezis and I hope you enjoy them to the fullest Mrs. Peggy P!!!!! I will send you an e-mail for more information. Thanks again to everyone that participated.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's My Blog-a-Versary.....or should I call it my blog birthday ?!?!?!


Wowzers!!!! It has been a year since I took a chance and decided to play with the big dogs girls in bloggy land and I have to say it was one of the best decisions I made in 2011!  I have been inspired beyond my expectations and have come in contact with some SUPER DE  FANTABULOUS teachers who make me strive to do better. When you know better you do better....RIGHT!!  In this case when you SEE better, you STRIVE to be better. Ha!! I LOVE it!!!
Despite the fact that I didn't get to keep up with blogging as much as I would have liked, I have plans on doing a much better job in 2012. Soooooooo.....root, root, root for the home team Fantabulous 4th Grade!! Whoop!! Whoop!! 
Boy I am all over the place (maybe because it's after MIDNIGHT)!!! 

Focus! Focus! Focus!

Okay........I am soooooooooo excited to mark this blog birthday/blog-a-versary as my very first give-a-way and I hope you guys enjoy these FANTABULOUS little prezis!!!!

I will give away a $20 Visa Gift Card to use however you like (TPT, Teacher Notebook, Amazon, ETSY....or anything else because it's a VISA GIFT CARD whoop!!)
AND a bundle set of chapter books that I KNOW your kiddos will LOVE!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Easy peasy!!! The winner will be selected  Thursday, August 2, 2012

Miracles and blessings,