Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Switch it....change it......rearrange it! My Classroom updates...

Okay so I have to admit that having the ENTIRE school change classrooms can be a bit overwhelming. Moving every piece of furniture (because 1st is different from 2nd-4th and 2nd and 3rd have smaller desk than 4th, and so on), grade level books, computers, manipulatives, other resources, and years of teacher JuNk (see where I'm going with this)..........a lot of work is all I can say to that!!

As the clock continues to tick, the anticipation increases about the first day. I am trying to patiently wait, but I have to admit that I am too excited about the upcoming year. I have gone to the school a couple of days this week and last week to work in my classroom, but I haven't accomplished as much as I would have liked to.

I will continue to work in between staff development sessions (on campus) and use the time that's alloted WISELY!  That's if I am not chatting and catching up with my team or distracted by WHATEVER LOL!

Here are some pics of the progress I have made in my room.

                             This is the view of the back counter from the entrance

View from my desk area

Here's what I have accomplished so far...

view of back counter

       Buddy Reading/Rock Star Lounge area

My corner and the Writing Center

The heart of our classroom....the library!

View from small group table

View from the entrance

View from the back counter

That is all for now (a lot....I know). Stay tuned............


  1. Your classroom is sparkling! I think you have a fantastic room! - Victoria @ love4thgrade.blogspot.com

  2. Great pics!! I like how you arranged your desks!!

    Miss J

